Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Action Planning Template

Action Planning Template
Goal: To improve student performance and decrease discipline referrals by keeping target students involved in extracurricular activities on campus.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Determine target group of 7th and 8th grade students.

Sally Braud

Kathy Turner
July 2012- August 2012
Chancery reports listing students by number of discipline referrals
Final list of students
Determine specific list of on-campus extracurricular groups

Sally Braud

Various club sponsors
August 2012- September 2012
List of teachers

List of approved on-campus groups with specific descriptions and requirements
Final list of groups
Organize a plan for a student involvement fair.

Sally Braud

Bob Anderson- principal

Kathy Turner- site supervisor

Group Sponsors

Community Supporters
August 2012- September 2012
Written approval from principal

Vendor booth applications

Final list of participating groups and community supporters
Meet with target students and inform them of the fair

Sally Braud
September 2012
Final list of groups
Informal meeting with students to discuss options that are available to them.
Promote and conduct the student involvement fair
Sally Braud

Bob Anderson- principal

Kathy Turner- site supervisor

Group Sponsors

Community Supporters
August 2012- September 2012



Signs at local businesses

Mass phone call blast

Word of mouth

Turnout at fair


  1. I think this is an interesting project. I can't wait to see what your results are. I also teach middle school and believe extra curricular activities keeps many students out of trouble. I am interested in what activities you will have for the students to choose from. I will be following.

    1. Thank you, Liana! My biggest fear for middle school kids is that they lose heart and think that school is boring and there's nothing out there for them- especially the kids that are not performing well academically. A lot of times, those are the kids who have the most amazing talents. We lose out on seeing that side of them because all we focus on is academics, and they just get burned out. I'll keep you posted!

  2. Sally,

    Great job on your research plan. The more we can use innovative techniques, and relevant research, to promote success in at-risk students, the better! Keep up the excellent work.

    Dr. Abshire

    1. Thank you Dr. Abshire! As I really start getting into my project, I would like to dig deeper and find the research that supports what I'd like to do. Surely it's out there; I just need to find it!
